2016 |
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Abramowicz, H., Abt, I., Adamczykh, L., Adamus, M., Antonelli, S., Aushev, V., Aushev, Y., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Bertolin, A., Bloch, I., Boos, E. G., Borras, K., Brock, I., Brook, N. H., Brugnera, R., Bruni, A., Bussey, P. J., Caldwell, A., Capua, M., Catterall, C. D., Chwastowski, J., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Corradi, M., Corriveau, F., Dementiev, R. K., Devenish, R. C. E., Dolinska, G., Dusini, S., Figiel, J., Foster, B., Gach, G., Gallo, E., Garfagnini, A., Geiser, A., Gizhko, A., Gladilin, L. K., Golubkov, Y. A., Grebenyuk, J., Gregor, I., Grzelak, G., Gueta, O., Guzik, M., Hain, W., Hochman, D., Hori, R., Ibrahim, Z. A., Iga, Y., Ishitsuka, M., Iudin, A., Januschek, F., Jomhari, N. Z., Kadenko, I., Kananov, S., Karshon, U., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Kisielewska, D., Klanner, R., Klein, U., Kondrashova, N., Kononenko, O., Korol, I., Korzhavina, I. A., Kotanski, A., Kotz, U., Kovalchuk, N., Kowalski, H., Krupa, B., Kuprash, O., Kuze, M., Levchenko, B. B., Levy, A., Libov, V., Limentani, S., Lisovyi, M., Lobodzinska, E., Lohr, B., Lohrmann, E., Longhin, A., Lontkovskyi, D., Lukina, O. Y., Makarenko, I., Malka, J., Mergelmeyer, S., Idris, F. M., Nasir, N. M., Myronenko, V., Nagano, K., Nobe, T., Notz, D., Nowak, R. J., Onishchuk, Y., Paul, E., Perlanski, W., Pokrovskiy, N. S., Przybycien, M., Roloff, P., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Saxon, D. H., Schioppa, M., Schmidke, W. B., Schneekloth, U., Schorner-Sadenius, T., Shcheglova, L. M., Shevchenko, R., Shkola, O., Shyrma, Y., Singh, I., Skillicorn, I. O., Slominski, W., Solano, A., Stanco, L., Stefaniuk, N., Stern, A., Stopa, P., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, D., Szuba, J., Tassi, E., Tokushuku, K., Tomaszewska, J., Trofymov, A., Tsurugai, T., Turcato, M., Turkot, O., Tymieniecka, T., Verbytskyi, A., Viazlo, O., Walczak, R., Abdullah, W., Wichmann, K., Wing, M., Wolf, G., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, Y., Zakharchuk, N., Zarnecki, A. F., Zawiejski, L., Zenaiev, O., Zhautykov, B. O., Zhmak, N., Zotkin, D. S., & Collaboration, Z. (2016). Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma(psi(2S))/sigma(J/psi(1S)) in deep inelastic exclusive ep scattering at HERA. Nuclear Physics B, 909, 934-953. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2016.06.010 |
Математичні науки та природничі науки | Web of Science |
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Bezushchak, O., Oliynyk, B., & Sushchansky, V. (2016). Representation of Steinitz’s lattice in lattices of substructures of relational structures. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 21(2), 184-201. |
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Bilko, N. M., Dyagil, I. S., Russu, I. Z., & Bilko, D. I. (2016). Circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients affected by Chornobyl accident. Experimental Oncology, 38(4), 242-244. doi:10.31768/2312-8852.2016.38(4):242-244 |
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Bilonozhko, L. (2016). Phonic musicality as a means of recoding in E. L. doctorow's ragtime. American and British Studies Annual, 9, 75-84. |
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Boiko, R. V., Bilko, D. I., Russu, I. Z., & Bilko, N. M. (2016). Mathematical analysis of the functional properties of the murine bone marrow in the process of long external gamma-irradiation and after its termination. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, 17(2), 176-179. doi:10.15407/jnpae2016.02.176 |
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Budash, G. V., Bilko, D. I., & Bilko, N. M. (2016). Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into cardyomyocytes is influenced by size of embryoid bodies. Biopolymers and Cell, 32(2), 119-125. doi:10.7124/bc.000914 |
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Butenko, D. V., & Tomchuk, P. M. (2016). Influence of the magnetic dipole moment of a metal nanoellipsoid on the scattering of electromagnetic waves. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 61(3), 255-264. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe61.03.0255 |
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N. Dorosh, H. Kuchmiy, O. Boyko, O. Dorosh, O. Stepanjuk and N. Maritz (2016). Development the software applications for mobile medical systems based on OS android. 13th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET), Lviv, 2016, pp. 808-810, doi: 10.1109/TCSET.2016.7452190. |
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Glushchenko, S., & Tkalenko, S. (2016). THREATS AND BENEFITS OF EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR UKRAINE IN TERMS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(2), 32-39. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2016-2-2-32-39 |
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Golovashchenko, S. (2016). Orthodox Christian Biblical Studies in Pursuit of Identity: The Role and Impact of Personal Research Practices. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal(3), 105-121. https://doi.org/10.18523/kmhj73944.2016-3.105-121 |
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Kalantaridis, C., Slava, S., Savchenko, O., & Gumenna, O. (2016). Innovation processes in adverse institutional settings: connectedness and disconnectedness in three regions of Ukraine. Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development (pp. 11-30) |
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Kharchenko, O., Smokal, V., Krupka, A., & Kolendo, A. (2016). Design, synthesis, and photochemistry of styrylquinoline -containing polymers. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 640(1), 71-77. https://doi.org/10.1080/15421406.2016.1255516 |
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Klymenko, O. (2016). Soviet Ideology in Workers' Memoirs of the 1920s-1930s (A Case Study of John Scott's and Borys Weide's Memoirs). Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal(3), 37-55. https://doi.org/10.18523/kmhj73934.2016-3.37-55 |
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Kobchenko, N. (2016). The evolution of the idea about the double-syntactic connection in the ukrainian linguistics. Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 61(2), 373-385. doi:10.1556/060.2016.61.2.9 |
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Maltseva, K. (2016). Prosocial morality in individual and collective cognition. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 16(1-2), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685373-12342166 |
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Owczarzak, J., Phillips, S. D., Filippova, O., Alpatova, P., Mazhnaya, A., Zub, T., & Aleksanyan, R. (2016). A "Common Factors" Approach to Developing Culturally Tailored HIV Prevention Interventions. Health Education & Behavior, 43(3), 347-357. https://doi.org/10.1177/1090198115602665 |
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